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Why We Don't Know Nonprofit Is A Business


My only exposure to nonprofits until I was in my 20s, was as a recipient or volunteer. I only saw the programmatic parts of nonprofits. I never heard the term “Executive Director” or “CEO”. However, I vividly remember the counselors at a summer camp I attended for youth who lived in North Memphis. They were the ones who were hands on with us. As a recipient and volunteer with my grandmother at a food pantry, I saw other volunteers and staff stocking items, handing out food and helping people get their groceries, which at the time were called commodities, to their cart or car. I had direct exposure to nonprofit as a service to me and others.

Conversely, my understanding of business came strictly from what I saw on television. I grew up watching the original “Dallas” series. It left an impression on me about the inner workings of big business, not to mention how I came to view the lifestyle of the rich and powerful. That show, among others, shaped how I understood what businesses looked like and how business owners and leaders should manage their business. I didn’t have anyone in my family who owned a thriving business or could expose me to mainstream business. Television was my teacher.

The exposure and experiences, or lack thereof, shaped what I understood, and probably how many of us understand and view nonprofits and traditional businesses. For those of you from families with resources, your experience was likely the opposite. You likely saw business up close and personal and nonprofits as a good will to the community.

Regardless of the proximity to nonprofits or traditional businesses, in almost every case, we likely never saw nonprofits as part of the business community, merely a beneficiary of the kindness of businesses or individuals.

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